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Brew Guide: French Press

Brew Guide: French Press

The exact origin of the French Press has been subject to much debate. Folklore says it was an elderly frenchman in the 1850s, while the Italians claim to have produced the most functional model in the early 1900s. Of course, the fight to take the credit is understandable, as French Press is one of the most-loved brew methods around the world. For this brew, we used a Bodum 32oz. french press.

Brewing with a French Press is easy, and will take you about 11 minutes.


  • French Press
  • Coffee
  • Water
  • Wood Stirrer
  • Gooseneck Kettle
  • Grinder


4 tbsp coffee & 16oz water
8 tbsp coffee & 32oz water
32 grams coffee & 473 grams water
64 grams coffee & 946 grams water


To start, we suggest a ratio of 2 tablespoons of grounds for every 8oz of water. The coffee should be ground on the coarsest setting – a #9 on an industrial grinder. If your grounds are too fine, you will get ‘muddy’ coffee in your press.


Heat your water until it’s boiling, and then remove from the heat source for 30 seconds before pouring (boiling water will burn your grounds and ruin your drink!) The best temperature for brewing is between 195-205 degrees.


Drop the grounds into the french press, and pour enough water over them until they are fully covered.


Pause and let the coffee bloom for 45 seconds.


Continue to pour the rest of your water into the press. You can now let it brew for 3-5 minutes (personally, we think 4 minutes is the perfect time, but it’s all about your own taste preference).


Once the time is up, use a small bamboo paddle or chopstick (not metal – you don’t want to crack the glass) to break the crust and give the grounds a quick stir.


Now you can put on the lid and press! There should be a small amount of resistance, but not much. If it is difficult to push down, your grounds are probably a bit too fine. If it seems way too easy to press, perhaps your grounds are too coarse.


Pour into your favorite mug, and enjoy your marvelous cup of delicious french press.

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Saving Lives Through the Power of Faith

Saving Lives Through the Power of Faith

The Bronner Burgess Memorial Fund has been instrumental in supporting the Scott Dawson Evangelistic Association. Read further and discover how your support of Buzzbox Coffee transcends into changing people’s lives through the power of faith.

Powerful Faith

As they celebrated last month that there is an empty tomb we were reminded of the people who came to place their faith in Jesus this year at a Scott Dawson Evangelistic Association event.  We are always humbled when God uses us to advance the Gospel and we recognized that in a story shared with us after an event earlier this year.

Finding Hope

A sixteen-year old girl recently attended one of our conferences. She had lost her mom a few years ago to a drug overdose. Two weeks before the conference she lost her dad to a drug overdose. This confused and hurting teenager was searching for someone to tell her that everything was going to be okay. She found that someone, Jesus, on the last evening of the conference.

Making A Difference

It’s not an event, song, or personality that changes lives, it’s Jesus Christ and we are blessed to be an avenue to make Him known.  Here at the Scott Dawson Evangelistic Association, we’re proud to be a partner with the Rick and Bubba in proclaiming this Hope.